Kubota - Warehouse Racking

Project Summary

In April 2021, Alston Construction faced a major challenge during the preconstruction phase of the Kubota Western Distribution Center. With wood prices nearly quadrupling since the beginning of the year, the warehouse required a Hybrid (OSB) roof covering over 630,000 square feet.

Fortunately, JD2 provided a cost-effective and innovative solution by engineering a higher quality roof structure that used joists and metal deck. By assembling roof structure panels on the ground with the new Racking system, JD2 streamlined the installation process, saving time and money.

As a trusted provider of metal deck installation, steel fabrication, and steel erection services, JD2 is committed to delivering top-notch solutions that meet your project's unique needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you overcome your biggest construction challenges.

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